
Kalsarpa Dosha Puja is a Hindu ritual performed to mitigate the effects of Kalsarpa Dosha, which is believed to be a malefic astrological condition in Vedic astrology. According to Hindu astrology, Kalsarpa Dosha occurs when all the planets in a person's birth chart (horoscope) are positioned between Rahu (the North Lunar Node) and Ketu (the South Lunar Node). This planetary alignment is considered unfavorable and is believed to bring various challenges and obstacles in life.

The Kalsarpa Dosha Puja is conducted with the aim of appeasing the malefic influences associated with Rahu and Ketu and seeking their blessings for protection and relief from the adverse effects of the Dosha. The puja is performed by trained priests or astrologers in temples or sacred places known for their spiritual potency.

Here is an overview of the Kalsarpa Dosha Puja procedure:

  1. Consultation with an Astrologer: Before performing the puja, individuals affected by Kalsarpa Dosha typically consult with a knowledgeable astrologer who analyzes their birth chart and identifies the presence of the Dosha. Based on the severity of the Dosha and its impact on various aspects of life, the astrologer recommends suitable remedies, including the Kalsarpa Dosha Puja.

  2. Selection of Auspicious Date and Time: The puja is scheduled on an auspicious date and time, preferably during specific astrological alignments conducive for performing remedial rituals. Astrologers consider factors such as planetary positions, lunar phases, and astrological transits when determining the timing of the puja.

  3. Preparation and Ritual Setup: On the day of the puja, devotees and priests prepare the sacred space by cleaning the area and arranging necessary items such as idols or images of deities, sacred symbols, flowers, incense, and offerings.

  4. Invocation of Deities: The puja begins with the invocation of Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles, and other relevant deities for blessings and protection. Mantras and prayers are chanted to create a conducive atmosphere for the ritual.

  5. Ritualistic Offerings: Various offerings such as milk, water, honey, ghee (clarified butter), fruits, sweets, and sacred herbs are consecrated and offered to the deities. The offerings symbolize devotion, gratitude, and surrender to the divine.

  6. Recitation of Mantras and Stotras: Priest recites specific mantras and stotras dedicated to Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu, and other deities associated with mitigating the effects of Kalsarpa Dosha. The chanting of these sacred hymns is believed to invoke divine blessings and protection.

  7. Homam (Fire Ritual): In some cases, a homam or fire ritual may be conducted as part of the puja. Offerings such as ghee, grains, and herbs are offered into the sacred fire while chanting mantras, purifying the environment, and appeasing malefic influences.

  8. Conclusion and Prasad Distribution: Once the puja rituals are completed, devotees offer prayers, seek blessings from the deities, and receive prasad (sanctified food) as a divine blessing. The prasad is distributed to participants as a token of divine grace and protection.

The Kalsarpa Dosha Puja is believed to bring relief from the malefic effects of the Dosha and promote harmony, prosperity, and spiritual well-being in the life of the devotee. It is performed with faith, devotion, and reverence, with the belief that divine intervention can mitigate astrological afflictions and bring about positive transformations.


The history of Kalsarpa Dosha Puja is intertwined with the ancient roots of Vedic astrology and Hindu religious practices. While there isn't a specific historical event associated with the origin of this puja, its roots can be traced back to ancient texts and scriptures that outline the principles of astrology and prescribe remedies for astrological afflictions.

  1. Ancient Texts and Scriptures: The concept of Kalsarpa Dosha finds mention in ancient Hindu scriptures such as the Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, Brihat Jataka, and Phaladeepika, among others. These texts discuss various astrological combinations and their potential effects on human life, including the presence of Kalsarpa Dosha in a person's birth chart.

  2. Vedic Astrology: Kalsarpa Dosha is based on the principles of Vedic astrology, which has been practiced in India for thousands of years. Vedic astrology views planetary positions at the time of birth as indicators of an individual's destiny and life path. The alignment of planets between the nodes of Rahu and Ketu is considered unfavorable and may lead to challenges and obstacles in life.

  3. Astrological Remedies: In Hindu astrology, remedies are prescribed to mitigate the adverse effects of planetary configurations like Kalsarpa Dosha. These remedies include wearing gemstones, performing specific rituals, chanting mantras, and conducting pujas dedicated to specific deities associated with mitigating malefic influences.

  4. Cultural Practices: Over time, the tradition of performing Kalsarpa Dosha Puja has become ingrained in Hindu culture, particularly in regions where belief in astrology is prevalent. Families may perform the puja for individuals affected by Kalsarpa Dosha as a means of seeking divine intervention and protection from astrological afflictions.

  5. Religious Beliefs: The puja is often performed with deep religious fervor and devotion, reflecting the belief in divine grace and the power of rituals to alter destiny. It is seen as a way to appease the cosmic forces and seek blessings for prosperity, health, and overall well-being.

While the exact historical origins of Kalsarpa Dosha Puja may be difficult to pinpoint, its practice is deeply rooted in ancient Hindu traditions, astrological principles, and cultural beliefs. It continues to be performed by devotees seeking relief from astrological afflictions and divine guidance in navigating life's challenges.


The significance of the Kalsarpa Dosha Puja lies in its role as a remedial measure to mitigate the adverse effects of Kalsarpa Dosha, an astrological condition believed to bring challenges and obstacles in a person's life. Here are some key aspects of its significance:

  1. Astrological Remediation: Kalsarpa Dosha is considered a malefic astrological condition in Vedic astrology, where all planets are positioned between the nodes of Rahu and Ketu. This alignment is believed to exert negative influences on various aspects of life, such as health, wealth, relationships, and career. The Kalsarpa Dosha Puja is performed as a remedial measure to appease the malefic influences of Rahu and Ketu and mitigate the adverse effects of the Dosha.

  2. Divine Intervention: The puja is performed with the belief that invoking the blessings of divine entities associated with Rahu and Ketu, as well as other relevant deities, can alleviate the challenges posed by Kalsarpa Dosha. Devotees seek divine intervention and protection from astrological afflictions, trusting in the power of rituals and prayers to bring about positive transformations in their lives.

  3. Relief from Obstacles: Individuals affected by Kalsarpa Dosha may experience various obstacles, setbacks, and difficulties in different spheres of life. The Kalsarpa Dosha Puja is performed with the intention of removing these obstacles and promoting harmony, prosperity, and well-being. Devotees seek relief from financial troubles, health issues, relationship conflicts, and other challenges through the puja.

  4. Spiritual Growth: The puja is not only aimed at addressing material concerns but also fostering spiritual growth and inner strength. Devotees cultivate virtues such as faith, devotion, patience, and surrender while performing the puja. The experience of participating in the ritual, offering prayers, and seeking divine blessings can deepen one's spiritual connection and promote a sense of peace and contentment.

  5. Family Harmony: The puja is often performed as a family tradition, bringing family members together to participate in the ritual and seek divine blessings collectively. It promotes family unity, harmony, and mutual support, fostering a sense of shared spiritual purpose and heritage among family members.

  6. Karmic Balance: Some believe that the presence of Kalsarpa Dosha in one's birth chart may be attributed to past karmic imbalances. By performing the puja with sincerity and devotion, individuals seek to mitigate negative karmic influences and restore balance in their lives. The puja is seen as an opportunity to purify negative karmas and accumulate positive karma through righteous actions and devotion to the divine.

Overall, the significance of the Kalsarpa Dosha Puja lies in its role as a means of seeking divine intervention, protection, and guidance in navigating the challenges posed by astrological afflictions. It is performed with faith, devotion, and reverence for the cosmic forces at play, with the belief that divine blessings can bring relief, prosperity, and spiritual growth in one's life.