
What is Yagya ? What are the benefits of this Vedic process?

In the Vedas, Yagya (Yajna) signifies devotion to God, charity, and presence. Through Yagya, we worship God, offer something to Him, and receive blessings by His presence. Yagya or Yajna also means sacrifice, offering, and performing auspicious deeds. It is said that deities are pleased only when we dedicate something to them. Yajna (Yagya) is a Vedic method to satisfy the deities by offering them food and receive their blessings.

Why is Yagya necessary?

Yagya is essential for personal and social advancement. It is only through Yagya that we can release our favorite foods and fragrant substances into the atmosphere via fire and make the environment suitable for breathing. Many times during Yagya, Vedic mantras are recited loudly. There is also a special way of reading these mantras, which has a positive effect on the listener. The sages said - Yagya is the wheel of this world. If the wheel breaks, the world will not progress.


The Science of Yagya 

Indeed, Yagya is not only a religious ritual but also an important science. The recitation of Vedic mantras during Yagya ceremonies has a significant impact on the listeners. The sound waves emanating from these mantras influence living beings positively. The smoke released into the atmosphere during Yagya destroys subtle and parasitic organisms, making the environment pure and suitable for breathing. Yagya is a collective measure to protect against common diseases and epidemics. While medicines have limited scope and can only protect certain individuals from diseases, the smoke of Yagya reaches everywhere and ensures the safety of thousands of living beings, including humans, animals, insects, and trees.

Spiritual Benefits

Yagya leaves a special imprint on the human mind. It enhances devotion to deities, and the energy emanating from Yagya enhances the vigor of those who perform or participate in it. Those who conduct Yagya have a stronger aura and increased self-confidence. They attract a kind of magnetism that draws wealth, prosperity, and fame towards them. It is said that Yagya is so powerful that it can alleviate mental flaws such as lust, anger, greed, attachment, arrogance, envy, hatred, cowardice, sensuality, laziness, agitation, and doubt. Yagya is a reliable method for treating mental distress. It can even cure incurable diseases of the body.

Significant Yagya of Ancient Times

Several important Yagya were conducted in ancient India that fulfilled the desires of the people of that time, such as:

Dasharatha's Putreshthi Yagya: Through this Yagya, King Dasharatha got sons like Lord Rama and his brothers.
Rama's Ashwamedha Yagya: Through this Yagya, he reaffirmed the concept of Ram Rajya throughout the entire Indian subcontinent.

Yudhishthira's Rajasuya Yagya: Through this Yagya, he attained complete prosperity in Indraprastha.

Fulfillment of Desires through Yagya. 

The Vedas describe Yagya, as capable of fulfilling all desires. Through various specific Yagya, one can obtain wealth, prosperity, offspring, and overall good fortune. Some tantric Yagya, also exist through which liberation from enemies, court cases, and similar issues can be attained. In these Yagyas, specific offerings are made to the relevant deities, satisfying them, and thus fulfilling one's desires. Yagya is a form of hidden charity because by purifying the Earth's environment through it, countless beings are protected. Doing so fills our lives with abundance and ensures the success of our endeavors.

Difference Between Yagya and Havan

Yagya is a ritual performed on a grand scale during major festivals. Havan is a type of Yagya performed for fulfilling specific desires of fewer people. After any worship or chanting, the act of offering into the fire is prevalent as Havan. Yagya is a significant ceremony, whereas Havan is a smaller Yajna done for the fulfillment of specific desires.